It’s no secret that confidence is the key to success. In order to succeed, you need to have faith in yourself and your abilities. When you doubt yourself, it shows. On the flip side, when you are confident, people take notice. Being confident doesn’t mean being cocky or boastful. It means having a quiet assurance in your own abilities.
So how do you develop this all-important quality? Appreciate and be yourself!
Here’s how:
Stop Comparing Yourself to Others
One of the quickest ways to kill your confidence is to compare yourself to others. When you do this, you are only setting yourself up for disappointment. We are all on our own journey in life, and we are all at different stages. Comparisons are not only unfair, but they are also unhealthy. The next time you find yourself comparing your achievements (or lack thereof) to someone else’s, stop and remind yourself that everyone is on their own path. You are exactly where you are supposed to be.
Find Things You Love About Yourself – Both Inside and Out!
We are often our own worst critics. We focus on our flaws and dwell on our imperfections – both physical and personal. Instead of dwelling on these things, try to focus on the things you love about yourself – both inside and out! Make a list of things you love about yourself – your sense of humour, your intelligence, your kindness, etc… When you find yourself feeling down about yourself, refer back to this list and remember all the great qualities that make you…you! If finding things you love about yourself is a struggle, ask a close friend or family member for help. They will be able to give you an unbiased opinion of some of your best qualities.
Be True To Yourself
Finally, in order to appreciate and be yourself, you need to stay true to who YOU are – not who someone else wants or expects you to be. It can be easy (and tempting!) to try to please others by becoming someone you’re not. But ultimately, this will only lead to unhappiness and resentment. So be true to who YOU are – quirks and all! — and the confidence will follow suit.
Conclusion: A lack of confidence can hold us back from achieving our dreams, but thankfully, it is something that can be worked on! By following the tips above – stopping comparisons, finding things we love about ourselves both inside and outside, and staying true to ourselves-we can start working on building up our confidence little by little. Until we reach the level of assurance we desire.
So let’s get started today on the road towards success by appreciating and being ourselves !